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review:Another side of Bob Dylan/Bob Dylan album
The times they are a-changin' / Another side of Bob Dylan / Highway 61 Revisited / ニューヨーク州ウッドストック近郊でオートバイ事故 / Blonde on blonde / Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits / Self Portrait / Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid / Dylan / Blood on the Tracks / Desire / Hard Rain / Street-Legal / Shot of Love / Biograph / Down in the Groove /
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band / ジョン、アップルビルの屋上で解明式を行い、ミドルネームを「ウィンストン」から「オノ」に変更する / The Cage / Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends... Ladies and Gentlemen / Made in the Shade / Louder Than Bombs / Best of BTO (So Far) / Rock and Roll Outlaws / Oxygène / Child Is Father to the Man / >