alternate artwork >hist_2
review:The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads/Otis Redding
/ Sittin' on The dock of the bay / Pain In My Heart / Otis Blue: Otis Redding Sings / The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads / The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads / Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul / The Soul Album / Live in Europe / The Dock of the Bay / The Immortal Otis Redding / In Person at the Whisky a Go Go / Love Man /
BBCテレビで「Magical Mystery Tour」放映 / Weezer / Just Enough Education To Perform / I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love / Santana 3 / ニューヨーク州ウッドストック近郊でオートバイ事故 / 「Michelle」、「Eleanor Rigby」『Revolver』で3部門のグラミー賞を獲得する / Balance / New York City (with The Peter Malick Group) / Now You're Not Here / >