alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Jazz [1978]/Ry Cooder
Ry Cooder / Into The Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise And Lunch / Chicken Skin Music / Jazz [1978] / Borderline / The Slide Area / Paris, Texas / Get Rhythm / My Name Is Buddy / I, Flathead / Ry Cooder / Into the Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise and Lunch / Showtime / Bop till You Drop / Borderline / The Slide Area /
Big Towne, 2061 / Ten / Kid A / Human Racing / First Band on The Moon / Holidays / Conversation Peace / Combat Rock / Galore / Italian Graffiti / >
Peace / Babylon by Bus / Feast / One of these nights / Naughty / Transition / Ma Kelly's Greasy Spoon / Tequila Sunrise / Asia / The Pretenders / >