alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Jazz [1978]/Ry Cooder
Ry Cooder / Into The Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise And Lunch / Chicken Skin Music / Jazz [1978] / Borderline / The Slide Area / Paris, Texas / Get Rhythm / My Name Is Buddy / I, Flathead / Ry Cooder / Into the Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise and Lunch / Showtime / Bop till You Drop / Borderline / The Slide Area /
Born at the Right Time The Best of Paul Simon / In a Silent Way / ジョン、ベッド・イン中に「Give Peace A Chance」を録音 / Letter from Home / Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday -single / Workin' With The Miles Davis Quintet / Americana / ロンドンで行われたアニメーション映画『Yellow Submarine』のプレミア・ショーに出席 / Everywhere / バッキンガム宮殿でエリザベス女王よりMBE勲章が授与される / >