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review:Borderline/Ry Cooder
Ry Cooder / Into The Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise And Lunch / Chicken Skin Music / Jazz [1978] / Borderline / The Slide Area / Paris, Texas / Get Rhythm / My Name Is Buddy / I, Flathead / Ry Cooder / Into the Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise and Lunch / Showtime / Bop till You Drop / Borderline / The Slide Area /
(What's The Story) Morning Glory? / ジョンのキリスト発言を受け、アメリカ南部を中心にビートルズのレコード焼き討ち騒動、排斥運動が起こる / For Once In My Life -single / ジョン2作目の著作集、「ア・スパニヤード・イン・ザ・ワークス」出版 / Maybe you've been brainwashed too. / Songs From Northern Britain / Musicology / Pat Metheny Group / You Gotta Go There 2 Come Back / But seriously / >