alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Phobia/The Kinks
Kinks / You really got me / All day and all of the night / Tired of waiting for you / Dedicated follower of fashion / Sunny afternoon / Waterloo sunset / Autumn almanac / The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society / Arthur or the decline and fall of the british empire / Lola versus powerman and the moneygoround part 1 / Victoria / Lola / State of confusion / Phobia / The Kink Kontroversy / Kinkdom / Face to Face / Something Else by The Kinks / The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society / Muswell Hillbillies / The Kink Kronikles / Everybody's in Show-Biz / The Great Lost Kinks Album / >
Ragged Glory / ジョンのキリスト発言を受け、アメリカ南部を中心にビートルズのレコード焼き討ち騒動、排斥運動が起こる / *Arrested at concert in Miami / You've Got The Power / Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence: Soundtrack From The Original Motion Picture / Moonflower / エリザベス女王によりビートルズにMBE勲章が授与されることが決定 / Sketches Of Spain / ジョン、ベトナム侵攻をイギリス政府が支持しているなどの理由でMBE勲章を返還する / The Last Emperor / >