alternate artwork >hist_2
review:It's Too Late To Stop Now/Van Morrison
Brown eyed girl / Moondance / His band and the street choir / Tupelo honey / Hard Nose the Highway / It's Too Late To Stop Now / Veedon Fleece / Beautiful Vision / Wonderful Remark / Poetic Champions Compose / Avalon Sunset / A Night In San Francisco / Days Like This / The Philosopher's Stone / Keep It Simple / Hard Nose the Highway / Wavelength / Into the Music / Live at the Grand Opera House Belfast / Poetic Champions Compose / The Best of Van Morrison /
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>It's Too Late To Stop Now
Wings Wild Life / ジョンとポールは自分たちの会社「アップル・コープス・リミテッド」設立を発表 / Shoot out at the fanfactory / バッキンガム宮殿でエリザベス女王よりMBE勲章が授与される / バハマで2作目の映画「Help!」の撮影が始まる / Wilson Phillips / Give Out But Don't Give Up / 「Michelle」、「Eleanor Rigby」『Revolver』で3部門のグラミー賞を獲得する / You Gotta Go There 2 Come Back / ジョンとヨーコ、世界の主要都市に「戦争は終わった(War Is Over)」の掲示を掲げ、平和を呼びかける / >