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review:Showtime/Ry Cooder album
Ry Cooder / Into The Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise And Lunch / Chicken Skin Music / Jazz [1978] / Borderline / The Slide Area / Paris, Texas / Get Rhythm / My Name Is Buddy / I, Flathead / Ry Cooder / Into the Purple Valley / Boomer's Story / Paradise and Lunch / Showtime / Bop till You Drop / Borderline / The Slide Area /
Hotline / The Graduate / Keeper of the Seven Keys, Pt. 1 / A Hard Day's Night / Moonmadness / Om / Together / Reba / CK / You're Not Alone / >album
With Luv' / Writer / OU812 / Ode to Billie Joe / AWB / Mother popcorn / Truth and Soul / Let It Be / Despite It All / To the Hilt / >