alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Animal Magnetism/Scorpions album
Lonesome Crow / Virgin Killer / Fly To The Rainbow / Crazy World / Lonesome Crow / Fly to the Rainbow / In Trance / Virgin Killer / Taken by Force / Tokyo Tapes / Lovedrive / Animal Magnetism / Blackout / Love at First Sting / World Wide Live / Savage Amusement / Best of Rockers 'n' Ballads / Crazy World /
Old Golden Throat / ビートルズのマネージャー、ブライアン・エプスタインが過度の薬物使用が原因で死去 / The Pictorial Jackson Review / Patsy Cline's Greatest Hits / Footloose soundtrack / Burning Love and Hits from His Movies, Volume 2 / Salisbury / Let's Keep It That Way / Mourning in the Morning / ジョンとヨーコ、世界の主要都市に「戦争は終わった(War Is Over)」の掲示を掲げ、平和を呼びかける / >