alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Zoolook/Jean Michel Jarre album
Single Life / Thriller / MCMXC a.D. / PXR5 / Detective / Day / Don't Stop / Johnny Cash and His Woman / Big Fun / Sher-oo! / >album
World Machine / Alice Cooper Goes to Hell / If I Weren't So Romantic I'd Shoot You / Linda Ronstadt, Stone Poneys and Friends, Vol. III / ジョンのキリスト発言を受け、アメリカ南部を中心にビートルズのレコード焼き討ち騒動、排斥運動が起こる / The Pursuit of Accidents / The Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw / Too Low for Zero / Punks Not Dead / Quiet Riot II / >