alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Metal Health/Quiet Riot
Americana / I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love / Seventeen Seconds / One Hot Minute / The ever popular tortured artist effect / Crazy World / Freak 'N' Roll... Into The Fog: The Black Crowes All Join Hands The Fillmore, San Francisco [Live] / ジョンとヨーコ、アムステルダムのホテルで「ベッド・イン」というイベントを行い、平和を訴える / The Road to You: Recorded Live in Europe / Van Halen / >
Wild Wild West / Cosmo's Factory / Clear Air Turbulence / Score / Here I Am / Bootsy? Player of the Year / Purple haze / Alibi / Heavy / 1999 / >