alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Phobia/The Kinks
Kinks / You really got me / All day and all of the night / Tired of waiting for you / Dedicated follower of fashion / Sunny afternoon / Waterloo sunset / Autumn almanac / Arthur or the decline and fall of the british empire / Victoria / State of confusion / Phobia / Face to Face / Something Else by The Kinks / The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society / Muswell Hillbillies / The Kink Kronikles / Everybody's in Show-Biz / The Great Lost Kinks Album / Preservation Act 1 / Schoolboys in Disgrace / Misfits / One for the Road / Give the People What They Want / >
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme / ジョン、ロンドンのインディカ画廊でオノ・ヨーコと初めて出会う / In Rainbows / Songs For The Deaf / More Songs About Buildings and Food / Filles De Kilimanjaro / ビートルズのマネージャー、ブライアン・エプスタインが過度の薬物使用が原因で死去 / The Globe Sessions / 「イブニング・スタンダード」紙でジョンが「世界で最も魅力のある12人」の1人に選出される / ポールとの不和がもとでジョージが一時グループを離れる / >