alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Tremulant EP/The Mars Volta
ジョンとヨーコ、世界の主要都市に「戦争は終わった(War Is Over)」の掲示を掲げ、平和を呼びかける / Into The Purple Valley / Moonflower / Give Out But Don't Give Up / Freak 'N' Roll... Into The Fog: The Black Crowes All Join Hands The Fillmore, San Francisco [Live] / Robbie Robertson / C'mon c'mon / Sugar / Dr. Feelgood [1989] / Lonesome Crow / >
ポールとの不和がもとでジョージが一時グループを離れる / It's Hard / III / The Marble Index / Sheila E. / Sirens / Ride the Wind / Flesh & Blood / E.S.P. / Two Against Nature / >