alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Just a Game/Triumph album
Heartbreaker / Truth / Victim of Romance / Rockin' / Camera Camera / Honeysuckle Rose / Runt / Chase / The Philip Lynott Album / Barabajagal / >album
Confessions of a Pop Group / Some Friendly / Linda Ronstadt, Stone Poneys and Friends, Vol. III / The Basement Tapes / Dedicated follower of fashion / Paris, Texas / There's a Kind of Hush / Conscious Party / ドキュメンタリー映画『Let It Be』の録音、及び「原点に帰ろう」というポールの言葉のもと「ゲット・バック・セッション」がスタートする / It's Not Love (But It's Not Bad) / >