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review:Slade on Stage/Slade album
Slayed? / Old New Borrowed and Blue / Slade in Flame / Nobody's Fools / Whatever Happened to Slade / Slade Alive, Vol. 2 / Return to Base / Slade Smashes! / We'll Bring the House Down / Till Deaf Do Us Part / Slade on Stage / The Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome / Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply / Slades Greats / Rogues Gallery / Crackers: The Christmas Party Album / You Boyz Make Big Noize /
Baby I'm - a want you / Hot August Night II / Wipe the Windows, Check the Oil, Dollar Gas / N.E.W.S. / Filigree & Shadow / Bring Me the Head of Yuri Gagarin / Youngest in Charge / Big Brother and the Holding Company / Squirrel and G-Man Twenty Four Hour Party People
Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) / フィリピンでマルコス大統領夫人主催の昼食会に手違いにより不参加 / >