alternate artwork >hist_2
review:Slave to the Thrill/Hurricane album
Jonathan Edwards / Slow Motion / Mummer / In color / TNT / Travelin' / A Single Man / Euroman Cometh / Mad Not Mad / Slaughter on 10th Avenue / >album
ジョンとヨーコ、世界の主要都市に「戦争は終わった(War Is Over)」の掲示を掲げ、平和を呼びかける / Greatest Hits Volume II / Parallel Lines / Tom Cochrane & Red Rider / Nigel Olsson's Drum Orchestra and Chorus / The Don Heckman-Ed Summerlin Improvisational Jazz Workshop / A Moon Shaped Pool / Diana Ross & the Supremes Sing and Perform "Funny Girl" / Green River / Def, Dumb and Blonde / >